Apple Vision Pro and The Inevitability of the Metaverse: Embracing a New Reality


In this insightful keynote speech, Virtual Reality expert Bob Cooney challenges the prevalent skepticism surrounding the Metaverse. He argues that the Metaverse is an unstoppable force shaping our future despite public resistance and misconceptions. The address delves into the human resistance to altering perceived reality, discussing how comfort in the known often overshadows the potential of new dimensions.

Cooney explores reality and perception to illustrate how our reality is a personal virtual construct. He emphasizes the importance of understanding and embracing the Metaverse as more than just a technological tool but a natural extension and enhancement of our human experience. The talk highlights significant technological milestones and Apple’s contributions to intuitive interfaces, predicting that their Vision Pro will redefine our interaction with digital worlds.

The keynote culminates in a powerful vision of the Metaverse as a communal, imaginative space, transcending the confines of our current reality. It’s not about escaping life but enriching it with endless possibilities. The speaker leaves the audience with a call to action: to embrace this new frontier, not with fear, but with the excitement and curiosity of explorers at the dawn of a new world.


00:00: Introduction and the Myth of the Dead Metaverse
02:30: Human Resistance to Altered Reality
05:00: The Nature of Reality and Perception
08:00: The Role of Technology in Shaping Perception
11:30: Apple’s Vision Pro and the Future of Interfaces
15:00: Virtual Telepresence and the Essence of Human Connection
18:30: The Metaverse as a Shared, Creative Space
22:00: Conclusion and Call to Embrace the Metaverse

Keywords: Metaverse, Reality, Perception, Technology, Apple Vision Pro, Virtual Reality, Human Connection, Future, Innovation.

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