Facebook gives a glimpse of metaverse, its planned virtual reality world

Mark Zuckerberg has revealed a glimpse of Facebook’s plans to built the “metaverse” – a digital world built over our own, comprising virtual reality headsets and augmented reality. Subscribe to…

Facebook gives a glimpse of metaverse, its planned virtual reality world

Mark Zuckerberg has revealed a glimpse of Facebook’s plans to built the “metaverse” – a digital world built over our own, comprising virtual reality headsets and augmented reality. Subscribe to…

Facebook gives a glimpse of metaverse, its planned virtual reality world

Mark Zuckerberg has revealed a glimpse of Facebook’s plans to built the “metaverse” – a digital world built over our own, comprising virtual reality headsets and augmented reality. Subscribe to…

Alex Jones Is Out A Billion | Walker Changes The Subject | Zuck Bets Legs Will Save His Metaverse

Stephen reacts to the news of a billion dollar judgment against Alex Jones, catches up on the latest stump speech from Senate candidate Herschel Walker, and looks in on Mark…