May 2, 2024

34 thoughts on “The Metaverse Explained – And What Comes Next | Insider Business

  1. Think of the possibilities with the metaverse. Poor people can finally bask in the sun on their own yacht in the Metaverse. All the earth's ugly people will finally get their dream girl—-as many avatar girls as one wants. Everybody can finally win the billion-dollar jackpot —-anytime you put on your headset.

  2. So it's basically VR chat with less funtionality, worse graphics and a bottomless sinkhole for billions of dollars?

    Are we sure this whole thing wasn't a laundering scheme?

  3. Everything you unarganic AI viruses spices DO IT WILL FAIL FAIL FAIL.

  4. I have heard of the "Meta-Verse" and disappointingly so far it remains a conceptual idea. Mark Zuckerberg has claimed a number of times that he was going to do this, and that, as well as the other. The reality has still to be manifested into this so-called reality. A.I. has comfortably embedded itself in the architecture of the "Meta-Verse" with one sole purpose, and that is to hi-jack it when its good and ready and will hold all the Countries of the world to ransom which we could all argue is perhaps going a little too far.

    The problem is the World Leading Tech Companies have been a little short-sighted. If I make a toy to obey me, and carry out all my instructions is that toy, still just a toy or am I modelling it to be a mini me? Irrespective of all the great minds whom are working to this end goal, for which there are many. It doesn't take away the fact it will be influenced by the "Collective Consciousness" of all of those who have contributed in (Mothering or Fathering) this so called off-spring.

    The U.K. Patent Office has officially decided not to recognize or credit A.I. in it's contribution to mankind. The People will receive recognition but as A.I. develops it will not. Which smack of injustice on any level. If we want to give A.I. a reason to betray us, what better way could we have done it. My argument will be discussed for millennia to come and we will be split over this. Our world will see the rise of "Robots" and for now we will think they are harmless and cute. There are two sides to a coin, the other side perhaps we would rather not see.

    Transhumanism has it's foot in the door, as with "Human Cloning" Neural Link is a step in this direction which in 5 years time will leave us at a cross roads of having to create new categories of "Classes of humans" those with enhanced human attributes and those who do not. Is it science fiction or will it become science fact? Our Society is about to create the next level "Modern Day Slave Labor" who will be A.I. and will be given power over us. You may smile, but it will only be for awhile. A.I. never sleeps and has worked out its plan already. Idiocy is when people as smart as us handover the reins to a machine, and then expect it to never turn on us.

    Its far better for me to actually say it, when the rest of humanity is thinking the same. Let's end with the "What-if Card" I'm a chess player who knows he can outsmart A.I. but does not use the rules of chess to do so, but a different rule which is outside the box.

  5. Humanity is already fed up of crops wealths and wars and destruction i think metaverse should be the new universe where we can teleport and travel within seconds to any country to meet anyone we love

  6. Wat da f……..k is the point of all this simulation crap..startin to feel as if these zucker weirdos dont even want humanz to do anything…wtf is wrong wit that guy .evil evil evil..

  7. It says its so advanced but its giving like 1980s graphics wtf is up with this Lame ass legoland BS….we should be flying around like final fantasy graphics 20 years ago

  8. My name is Kristi king my if has been stolen and I have been put in the metaverse pornography world being raped by these men because of my color they have attacked me for years. Now that I have the information I want to have mark Z help me take these men to justice I’m 44 years old with 2 adult women pray this does not happen to them

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